在西方國家 除了新人自己支付婚禮各項費用外
最常見的為女方父母支付婚禮的開支, 其次為新郎父母, 祖父母, 繼父母 ,等等.
無論為誰主導婚禮 ,只要是付錢的人, 應該都有權可以將他們的名字為視為主要邀請人的身分印在喜帖上. 同樣的, 在台灣社會中,由於婚宴的賓客大多還是以父母的親友為主 所以大多數的父母都堅持自己為主導婚禮的一方.還記得POPPY前兩年的客戶中,有乙組新人在桃園席開100桌以上 (帖子發超過1000張) 但自己年輕人的好友同事卻只佔了其中兩桌而已,所以基於各種理由,一直到今日,喜帖上面名字還是以父母親為主要邀請者居多.以示禮貌與尊重 Today, a whole roomful of people could be paying for the wedding, including the couple themselves, the bride's parents, the groom's parents, stepparents, grandparents, and the list goes on. It's important that you give credit where credit's due -- whoever's footing the bill deserves to lead off the invitation.

If one set of parents is hosting your wedding, list their names at the top.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Mary Ann
Edward Malcolm Jones

If both sets of parents are jointly hosting, you should list both on separate lines, with the bride's parents first.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franklin Jonesrequest the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their children
Mary Ann Smith
Edward Malcolm JonesWhen one couple is hosting, but you'd like to honor nonhosting parents by including them on the invitation (a respectful gesture and very wise political move), you simply make a point of noting their relationship to the bride or groom under that person's name.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Mary Ann
Edward Malcolm Jones
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franklin Jones

The honor of your presence
is requested at the marriage of
Miss Mary Ann Smith
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith
Mr. Edward Malcolm Jones
son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franklin Jones

Miss Mary Ann Smith
Mr. Edward Malcolm Jones
together with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franklin Jones
request the honor of your presence
at their marriage