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poppy313 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

厭倦了喜帖上 老是印上"執子之手 與子偕老"的文字嗎

參考一下 國外的英文詩句吧


Hindu Marriage Poem


You have become mine forever.

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poppy313 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

轉載於 William的部落格

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超級頭痛的狀況 Sticky Situations

隨著時代的演進,我們慢慢踩著美式社會的脈動,家庭的成員不再是一成不變. 常常在店裡面,也會碰到一些令人棘手的複雜問題. 父母離婚囉.再婚啦.或是其中一方過世了.等等... 喜帖內文該怎麼寫就是一個大問題!

POPPY的建議,除了先和大人們商量後,原則上不管是何種狀況,盡量以"避重就輕"要符合新人現階段生活的實情為主,千萬不要多寫 以免"越描越黑".  If you're like many Americans, your familial configuration is anything but nuclear. Parents that are divorced, remarried, or deceased are not uncommon. Likewise, wedding customs have changed: Instead of the bride's family footing the entire bill, more couples are paying for their own festivities, under their own terms. In the wake of these changes, the innocent wedding invitation, where those hosting -- um, paying for -- the wedding are conventionally recognized, has become an etiquette minefield. Read on to escape unscathed with our solutions to sticky wording situations.

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在西方國家 除了新人自己支付婚禮各項費用外

最常見的為女方父母支付婚禮的開支, 其次為新郎父母, 祖父母, 繼父母 ,等等.

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